Linda L. Isaacs, MD

Announcements and updates from Dr. Linda L. Isaacs, who offers individualized nutritional programs for patients with cancer and other illnesses. Her website is


Published: Wed, 07/20/22

Carrageenan Earlier this year, I sent an email about food additives and their negative effect on the gut microbiome, specifically discussing the…

Exercise and Osteoporosis

Published: Thu, 07/07/22

E ercise & Osteoporosis “I’ve been e ercising like crazy but my bone density is no better! It didn’t work!” I’ve heard that from patients over the…

Houseplants and Air Quality

Published: Thu, 06/23/22

Houseplants & Air Quality Houseplants can help get rid of indoor pollution. A recent publication in Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health reported that…

New Article About the Pancreas

Published: Thu, 06/09/22

Pancreas Glandular Products The Summer 2022 issue of the Allergy Research Group newsletter Focus included an article by Dr. Isaacs about pancreas…

Exercise & Health

Published: Thu, 05/26/22

E ercise & Health My April 21, 2022 email (click here to read if you missed it) was about an article in the journal Science that reviewed recent…

Microbiome and Cancer Treatment

Published: Thu, 05/05/22

The Microbiome and Cancer Treatment A recent article in the journal JAMA Oncology details the importance of healthy gut bacteria for the prevention of…

How Our Bodies Burn Energy

Published: Thu, 04/21/22

Burning Energy Recently, the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation newsletter News for Now Update included a link to a fascinating article on the…

Honey & Upper Respiratory Infections

Published: Thu, 04/14/22

Honey & Upper Respiratory Infections Honey has many uses in traditional medicine. A 2020 review article in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine discussed…


Published: Thu, 04/07/22

Nutrigenomics I have spent my professional career e plaining to patients not only that the quality of the food they eat matters, but that what works…

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