Linda L. Isaacs, MD

Announcements and updates from Dr. Linda L. Isaacs, who offers individualized nutritional programs for patients with cancer and other illnesses. Her website is

A Sweet Treat for the Season

Published: Thu, 12/15/22

A Sweet Treat for the Season According to a recent article in Nutrition Reviews, honey is helpful for blood sugar and cholesterol when used as part of…

Gardening and Mental Health

Published: Thu, 10/27/22

Gardening & Mental Health In a recent study, discussed in an article on Science Daily, a group of healthy women were randomly assigned either to a…

Hunter-Gatherers and Diet

Published: Thu, 10/13/22

Hunter-Gatherers & Diet Some nutrition writers and researchers say that everyone should eat the same diet, whatever type of diet they might be…

New Article About the Hypothalamus

Published: Thu, 09/22/22

Hypothalamus Glandular Products The Fall 2022 issue of the Allergy Research Group newsletter Focus included an article by Dr. Isaacs about…

Price-Pottenger Makes Recipes Available

Published: Thu, 09/08/22

Price-Pottenger Makes Recipes Available One of my goals for these newsletters and my website is to share resources with patients to help them…

About Diet and Cancer Outcomes

Published: Thu, 09/01/22

Diet and Cancer Outcomes From April 1999 to April 2001, a group of patients with Stage III colon cancer were entered into a clinical trial comparing…

Pancreatic Proenzymes and Primitive Cells

Published: Thu, 08/18/22

Pancreatic Proenzymes - Primitive Cells The August/September 2022 issue of the Townsend Letter includes an article by Dr. Isaacs titled Pancreatic…

Seven years ago today

Published: Fri, 07/22/22

Seven Years Ago Today On July 22, 2015, I got the news that my long-time colleague and friend, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, had died the night before. It is…

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