Shively's Multiple Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy of Cancer
Published: Thu, 11/04/21
Review of Book by Dr. Shively Below is the first paragraph of my article published in the November 2021 Townsend Letter: Although I have used…
Announcements and updates from Dr. Linda L. Isaacs, who offers individualized nutritional programs for patients with cancer and other illnesses. Her website is
Published: Thu, 11/04/21
Review of Book by Dr. Shively Below is the first paragraph of my article published in the November 2021 Townsend Letter: Although I have used…
Published: Thu, 10/21/21
Cancer Theories Fifty years ago, the War on Cancer was declared by US President Ni on. Today, cancer remains largely undefeated. A recent article in…
Published: Thu, 10/07/21
Stress and Grief A friend recently told me about the book The Upside of Stress and a TED talk by the author, Kelly McGonigal, PhD. Stress is usually…
Published: Thu, 09/23/21
Why I Recommend Lithium Lithium is a mineral that has a bit of a reputation. If you ask "Dr. Google" about lithium, you will find that it is used for…
Published: Thu, 09/09/21
ConsciousTalk Radio Interview One of the hosts of ConsciousTalk Radio, Brenda Michaels, is a former patient of Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.. An interview…
Published: Sun, 08/08/21
Follow-up Case Report Article Published In 2019, an article in the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine described two…
Published: Thu, 07/22/21
Sad news from si years ago today On July 22, 2015, Dr. Isaacs learned that her long-time colleague and friend, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, passed away the…
Published: Wed, 06/30/21
New Article on Coffee Enemas The most recent issue of the peer-reviewed PubMed-listed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine included an…
Published: Tue, 06/15/21
Article About Glandular Supplements The June 2021 issue of the Townsend Letter included an article by Dr. Isaacs about her use of glandular products…
Published: Thu, 05/13/21
Cancer Cells and Glucose Ever since PET scans came along, the mantra "cancer feeds on sugar" has made many cancer patients wary of eating fruit. PET…