Linda L. Isaacs, MD

Announcements and updates from Dr. Linda L. Isaacs, who offers individualized nutritional programs for patients with cancer and other illnesses. Her website is

Cancer Theories

Published: Thu, 10/21/21

Cancer Theories Fifty years ago, the War on Cancer was declared by US President Ni on. Today, cancer remains largely undefeated. A recent article in…

Stress and Grief

Published: Thu, 10/07/21

Stress and Grief A friend recently told me about the book The Upside of Stress and a TED talk by the author, Kelly McGonigal, PhD. Stress is usually…

Lithium - a misunderstood mineral

Published: Thu, 09/23/21

Why I Recommend Lithium Lithium is a mineral that has a bit of a reputation. If you ask "Dr. Google" about lithium, you will find that it is used for…

New ConsciousTalk Radio Interview

Published: Thu, 09/09/21

ConsciousTalk Radio Interview One of the hosts of ConsciousTalk Radio, Brenda Michaels, is a former patient of Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.. An interview…

Follow-up case report article published

Published: Sun, 08/08/21

Follow-up Case Report Article Published In 2019, an article in the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine described two…

Sad news from six years ago today

Published: Thu, 07/22/21

Sad news from si years ago today On July 22, 2015, Dr. Isaacs learned that her long-time colleague and friend, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, passed away the…

Article about glandular supplements

Published: Tue, 06/15/21

Article About Glandular Supplements The June 2021 issue of the Townsend Letter included an article by Dr. Isaacs about her use of glandular products…

News about cancer cell metabolism

Published: Thu, 05/13/21

Cancer Cells and Glucose Ever since PET scans came along, the mantra "cancer feeds on sugar" has made many cancer patients wary of eating fruit. PET…

Biography of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez

Published: Mon, 11/30/20

Biography of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Now Available The biography of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, The Maverick MD by Mary Swander, is now available. Click here…

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