Cancer Control Society conference September 4

Published: Sun, 07/31/16

Linda L. Isaacs, MD, PC
Individualized Nutritional Protocols
Dr. Isaacs to speak at Cancer Control Society
The 44th annual Cancer Control Convention, held by the Cancer Control Society, will take place September 3-5, 2016, Labor Day weekend, in Universal City, California. Dr. Isaacs will be speaking on Sunday, September 4. Click here for more information about the conference.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez spoke at this conference in the past, as did Dr. William Donald Kelley. To order a DVD of Dr. Gonzalez' lecture, click here.

Dr. Isaacs will not be in the office on Friday, September 2, as she will be traveling to the conference on that date. The office will be open that day. Current patients can reach Dr. Isaacs by leaving a message with the office staff or the answering service.

Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.