More tributes to Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez

Published: Sun, 07/10/16

Linda L. Isaacs, MD, PC
Individualized Nutritional Protocols
More Tributes to Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
In addition to the tribute video by Dr. Isaacs, there is now a video on YouTube with recollections of Dr. Gonzalez by former staff members. Click here to review.
Also, the publishers of the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine created a tribute book with multiple articles about Dr. Gonzalez, including one by Dr. Isaacs. To order on Amazon, click here.
Hard though it is to believe for those who knew him, on July 21, one year will have passed since Dr. Gonzalez' untimely and sudden passing. Dr. Isaacs will not be in the office on July 21 or 22, though the office will be open. For current patients, you can reach Dr. Isaacs with any questions by contacting the office or the answering service as usual. Thank you for your support during this past difficult year.
Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.