New article, and trip for conference

Published: Mon, 09/12/16

Linda L. Isaacs, MD, PC
Individualized Nutritional Protocols
New article, and trip for conference

The August/September issue of the Townsend Letter included an article by Dr. Isaacs entitled "Linitis Plastica Gastric Cancer: A Case Report." To read it, click here.

Dr. Isaacs will be presenting at a scientific conference on September 19, and will be out of town from September 17-21. She will be back in the office on September 22. The office will be open during its usual hours. For her patients, if you need to reach her about routine questions, please if possible call before or after her trip. For urgent issues, call 212-213-3337 and leave a message with the office staff or the answering service if after hours, and she will return your call.

Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.