July 21; office staff changes

Published: Mon, 07/17/17

Out of office July 21

On July 21, 2015, my colleague of more than 25 years, Nicholas Gonzalez, passed away unexpectedly; this Friday marks the two-year anniversary. I will not be in the office that day. The office will be open, but I ask that my patients please try to avoid asking for a return call on Friday, July 21 if at all possible.

I also wanted to let you know that there has been a staffing change in the office. Andrea has moved out of Manhattan to be with her fiance and plan her wedding. She has found work closer to her new home. I am grateful for her help in the terrible days after Dr. Gonzalez' death and during this transition period, and wish her all the best in the future.

Josette, who is now full-time here, has been working part time for me since last fall. She was an employee of Nick's during the 1990s, and he valued her highly. I am fortunate to have her step in as Andrea moves on, as she brings a connection to the past that I appreciate. Nick and I were blessed with many wonderful employees over the years, and Andrea and Josette are both great examples of this.

Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.