Radio Show and "Truth About Cancer" Update

Published: Wed, 10/11/17

Radio Show and "Truth About Cancer" Update

On Thursday, October 12, Dr. Isaacs will appear on Conscious Talk Radio with Brenda Michaels and Rob Spears. If you would like to listen to the show via live stream as it is happening, go to at 10AM Eastern time. After that, you can access the recording of the show via the podcast or the archives on their website. Dr. Gonzalez was a frequent guest on this show; for available archived interviews with him, click here.

Last Saturday, October 7, Dr. Isaacs spoke at "The Truth About Cancer" conference. The presentation was supposed to have been live streamed, but unfortunately technical problems developed and the live stream did not operate properly. There will be a "replay weekend" coming up; we will send out a reminder later this week. We have been assured by the technical personnel at TTAC that the recording of Dr. Isaacs was done correctly and will be available at the replay weekend. They were apologetic about the problems with the event.

Finally, next week Dr. Isaacs will be out of the office to speak at a conference in California from October 16-19. She will be back in the office on Friday, October 20. For her patients, if you need to speak to her while she is away, leave a message with the office staff or the answering service and she will return your call.
Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.